
Comprehensive Anti-DDoS Solutions for Large-Scale Networks

Global DNS attacks continue to scale within velocity and complexity. Financial services, healthcare, and higher education universities continue to have DNS records attacks affecting their users, business partners, and external students.

Higher education has several challenges to manage surrounding cybersecurity and system availability. Often universities have small security operations to address central university systems, individual schools, research facilities, and on-campus and remote students. Typically, their budgets are fixed during the annual budget cycle and review, leading to a shortage of funds in case of a catastrophic cyber attack, including targeting DNS top-level domains. 

This article discusses the various technical, financial, and operational challenges higher education organizations face regarding DNS attacks:

Premium DNS providers also offer hosting services for higher education customers, including advanced features to stop common DNS attacks. Their sophisticated DNS service often comes with complex hosting service level agreements and a complex pricing structure. 

Nexusguard’s Approach
Nexusguard proposed a new value proposition tailored to the education segment, looking for a better cost model with advanced DNS security tools. Nexusguard's DNS hosting model offers a fixed-price model with additional features, including sophisticated DNS security.

This cost model offering provides "peace of mind" to educational institutions as they can accurately budget their DNS hosting without the risk of unforeseen cost explosions because of attacks.

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